Customer Reviews
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Cutest bike. The company ships so fast it was unbelievable this time of year. I will recommend them to everyone.
Great Bicycle. It's true! She was confident and riding after 5 minutes
My daughter had a fear of not having training wheels on her bicycle despite riding other bicycles. However, after 5 minutes on her Guardian bicycle she was confident and now we take daily bike rides together ❤️
Birthday gift for Granddaughter
Very easy to buy the bike on your site and it was shipped immediately! The bike came really fast and was easy to put together! Our only problem was that the rear tire would not keep air in it! Contacted your support and you answered us right away! You told us to take the bike to a bike shop or you would send us another inner tube! We opted to have the tire tube replaced and your company would have reimbursed us because of the bikes warranty. Our granddaughter loved the bike so much so it was a hit! The colors on the bike are beautiful and bright! She has not ridden it yet because it was dark, but I think she will have no problems! Thank you for a great product!
Great experience!
My grandson struggled with learning to ride other bikes. I recently purchased the 20” Guardian bike for his birthday. Within 20 minutes, he was riding independently up and down the sidewalk! He was very proud of himself and full of confidence. I’m impressed with your product and service!
Great Bike
Bought a 16 inch for my grandson. Customer service was super helpful after the order. The bike is terrific and I have decided that I will purchase more for him as he ages and will purchase guardian bikes for my other 8 grandkids for their birthdays as they grow into larger sizes. Great company. Go USA!! Grandude aka The Dude